Cassandra's Canines
281 Onondaga Townline Road
Caledonia, Ontario
N3W 2G9
Cassandra's Canines
281 Onondaga Townline Road
Caledonia, Ontario
N3W 2G9
Now you can homeschool your dog with expert guidance and instruction. Share and learn from Cassandra in an online classroom in a group or personal course. Weekly or bi-weekly interactive Zoom classes, plus video lessons and instruction via a private facebook group. Personal instruction and guidance for you and your dog 24/7! As always, instruction is geared to being a creative and fun challenge for you and your dog! In addition, Cassandra looks to the individual dog and handler team – fun and learning with your dog is the priority. Remember, no two teams can be alike. Baby steps and small successes, problem solving with creativity!
Check back frequently to see what is offered!
Private fb group. Lessons posted biweekly on Mondays. Individual feed back and instruction during the week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Working spots only.
6 bi-weekly video lessons
Private Facebook group. Lessons posted on Mondays. Individual feed back and instruction Thursdays and Sundays.
Discussion, guidance and answers regarding your dog’s training issues and behaviour.
Currently unavailable
A beginner conditioning exercise program specifically for the sport of Canine Musical Freestyle. Taught by a Champion freestyler, certified trainer, certified Canine Fitness Trainer (University of Tennessee) and Master FitPAWS trainer. Improve your dog’s performance, coordination, reflexes, proprioception and flexibility. Freestyle can be a demanding sport with both repetitive and athletic movement! This places specific demands on their bodies! Improved fitness will not only help to keep your dog healthy throughout their career, it will improve quality of heeling, movement, dexterity, footwork, strength and safety.
Is your dog’s body prepared and well conditioned for the rigors and demands of this sport? Learn how to keep your dog’s body balanced, strong, safe and able to perform at their best! This is a DETAILED course with emphasis on proper FORM and MOVEMENT for your Canine FREESTYLER.
6 weeks ONLINE with progressive video lessons, evaluation, instruction and individual feedback.
Equipment: Two low foot targets (covered 2-4 inch boards). On position platform. One FitPAWS K9 FITBone
*Participating dogs must be cleared by a veterinarian and injury free.
Now no matter where you live you can enjoy instructive and creative sessions from Cassandra.
This opportunity is also perfect for the reactive or shy dog that is not quite ready to participate fully in a live classroom setting. One private lesson consists of one zoom class, video lesson from Cassandra and one submission from student with a review and critique from Cassandra.
Get an expert’s eye on correct form and progressions in your dog’s training program. Work through tough training challenges and get instruction on specific exercises.
Video lesson from Cassandra and critique of student’s homework submission, or virtual lesson from Cassandra.
Learn step by step a special freestyle line dance routine with your dog!
Pre-requisite: foundation moves spins, leg weaves, back ups, heelwork.
June 11 (6 weeks)
Currently unavailable
A new dance sequence/combo for you and your dog every Friday for 4 weeks! Canine Musical Freestyle is a blend of heelwork, tricks and moves with your dog! If you love to move with music and are looking for a fun way to motivate and teach your dog new things, this is for you! This course is via a private facebook classroom with personal instruction and feedback from Cassandra.
Emphasis in this class is sequencing 3 or 4 different moves to music. Note: to get the most from this session your dog should be able to perform the following behaviors (with some help if): Sit, drop, pass through your legs, spin right and left. Get ready to rock!
4 week Summer Sizzler Session -Freestyle Friday #4 !!!
4 week body awareness course for puppies under 6 months of age. Private interactive facebook group with weekly video lessons and notes. Games and skills to develop:
6 week online course with step by step progressions building skills using slack lines. Benefits include limb, core and feet strength plus balance, coordination and fantastic proprioception. Learn how to condition and keep your dog fit using fun slack lines!
Currently unavailable
Wondering how to keep your dog fit and mentally stimulated? Wishing you had a canine fitness expert give you the best, most versatile exercises in an easy, fun program you can do at home?
This course consists of 6 weekly sessions.
Each session includes:
That’s 3 pieces of great learning and activity per week. 3 x 6 = 18 Fun and educational ways to improve MIND & BODY! At completion, a full program that is yours to rotate and enrich your dog with.
Weekly video and written lessons via a private Facebook group. Feedback and instruction available 24/7 for your 6 week lesson period.
Most exercises can be completed with limited balance equipment or common household items and can be adapted for different skill levels.
*This course is suited to injury free, otherwise healthy dogs. Please email Cassandra if you have any questions about your dog’s suitability.
Responsive, reliable recalls!
8 weeks of life skills, relationship building and problem solving. Program is presented in 2 parts. Each session has 4 weeks of Weekly Zoom interactive classes. 4 weekly video lessons, written lesson outlines plus personalize material just for you via private Facebook group. Receive personal feedback and guidance from Cassandra 24/7! 1 year access to material!