A beginner conditioning exercise program specifically for the sport of Canine Musical Freestyle. Taught by a Champion freestyler, certified trainer, certified Canine Fitness Trainer (University of Tennessee) and Master FitPAWS trainer. Improve your dog’s performance, coordination, reflexes, proprioception and flexibility. Freestyle can be a demanding sport with both repetitive and athletic movement! This places specific demands on their bodies! Improved fitness will not only help to keep your dog healthy throughout their career, it will improve quality of heeling, movement, dexterity, footwork, strength and safety.
Is your dog’s body prepared and well conditioned for the rigors and demands of this sport? Learn how to keep your dog’s body balanced, strong, safe and able to perform at their best! This is a DETAILED course with emphasis on proper FORM and MOVEMENT for your Canine FREESTYLER.
6 weeks ONLINE with progressive video lessons, evaluation, instruction and individual feedback. $300.00
Core strength.
Shoulder stability,
Spinal strength and flexibility.
Rear limb awareness and power.
Stabilizer and balance development.
Equipment: Two low foot targets (covered 2-4 inch boards). On position platform. One FitPAWS K9 FITBone
*Participating dogs must be cleared by a veterinarian and injury free.
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