ONLINE Mind & Body Fitness & Mental Stimulation




Wondering how to keep your dog fit and mentally stimulated? Wishing you had a canine fitness expert give you the best, most versatile exercises in an easy, fun program you can do at home?

Online Mind & Body offers:

6 weekly sessions

Each session includes:

  • 3-4 rotating fitness/conditioning exercises –  Accentuating different muscle groups in areas of core and limb strength, flexibility, body awareness and balance.
  • A fun fitness game/trick – Channel energy, physically AND mentally!
  • A body targeting skill –  Build a good repertoire of useful fitness/conditioning behaviors!

That’s 3 pieces of great learning and activity per week. 3 x 6 = 18 Fun and educational ways to improve MIND & BODY! At completion, a full fitness and conditioning program that is yours to rotate and enrich your dog with.

Weekly video and written lessons via a private Facebook group. Feedback and instruction available 24/7 for  6 week lesson period.

Most exercises can be completed with limited balance equipment or common household items and can be adapted for different skill levels.

Cost: 295.00


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